Isometrus maculatus (DeGeer, 1778)
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<i>Isometrus maculatus</i> Female <i>Isometrus maculatus</i> Male <i>Isometrus maculatus</i>

Here are photos of female, male and juvenile Isometrus maculatus, an introduced species of scorpion found in Florida and Hawaii. These scorpions stow away on ships and establish themselves in various warm areas of the globe, including Florida and Hawaii. I am lucky to have pics of scorpions like these.

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My name is Rich Ayrey, please e-mail me at e-mail me.
Unless otherwise noted, this photograph and all photographs by Rich Ayrey, do not reproduce without the written permission of the photographer.
This Flagstaff Arizona Scorpion site copyright Rich Ayrey 2009 - 2017.
This Florida Scorpion World page created 12/26/09.
This Florida Scorpion World page last updated08/12/2017.