Uroctonites sequoia Gertsch & Soleglad 1972
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Uroctonites huachuca

Above is a photo of Uroctonites huachuca a rarely seen scorpion found at high elevations in southern Arizona. This scorpion was found at 7380 feet elevation in the Huachuca mountains. It is similar to and in the same genus with Uroctonites sequoia. I am fortunate to have available pics of this species of Scorpion.

Uroctonites huachuca 1st instars
Here is a pic of the same Arizona Scorpion, taken 7/24/08 with first instar young on her back.

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My name is Rich Ayrey, please e-mail me at e-mail me.
Unless otherwise noted, this photograph and all photographs by Rich Ayrey, do not reproduce without the written permission of the photographer.
This Flagstaff Arizona Scorpion site copyright Rich Ayrey 2008-2010.
California Scorpion World page created 06/05/10.
California Scorpion World page last updated 06/05/10.